L'un des défis majeurs pour les organismes de promotion de bénévolat est la rétention et l'épuisement des ressources bénévoles. La meilleure solution est d'aller chercher des nouveaux groupes de bénévoles, soit les plus jeunes et les nouveaux arrivants. La sensibilisation au bénévolat auprès de ces nouveaux groupes est une solution optimale pour redynamiser le mouvement bénévole francophone en Alberta.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques photos et vidéos soulignant l'atelier.
One of the major challenges facing volunteering organizations is volunteer retention. The best way to redress this problem is by recruiting new types of volunteers, especially young people and newcomers. Educating these demographics about the importance of volunteering is an ideal solution, which allows us to revitalize the volunteering movement in Francophone circles in Alberta.
On December 14th, 2017, Dicky Dikamba, Executive Director of CANAVUA, delivered a workshop at J.H. Picard Junior High School to a class on volunteering and community service. He explained how volutneering and helping others are pro-social behaviours which are highly valued in Canada. Indeed, volunteering is a powerful means of enhancing everyone's collective well-being.
Please find below several photos and videos which will give you an idea of what was discussed during the workshop.
Dicky Dikamba
Directeur général/Executive Director
Crédits photo/Photo credits: Emeline MORICEAU
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